Our Circular Expert Service enables your local energy and water communities

What is the Circular Expert service?

  • A service toolbox developed by Circular to support all aspects for the development and exploitation of local energy and water communities
  • Has tools for technological, legal and financial requirements.
  • Built on experience from multiple projects experience:
    • Avoid reinventing the water and making mistakes
    • Based on real life exploitation experience rather than only design

Scroll through our Circular Expert Service and see if one of these services can help you!

Conceptual design – Business model development – Legal assistance – Technology selection and due-diligence – Construction management – End user interaction – Governance – Exploitation

You are planning to develop district heating? 

Contact us here

You want to develop an ESCO service ?

Contact us here

You want to implement grey water treatment and recovery?

Contact us here

From SoGent, the urban development company of the city of Ghent, we invite real estate developers to place sustainability high on the agenda in new construction and renovation.

Frank Van Goethem

Directeur bedrijfsvoering SoGent.

read the case

Contacteer ons

Circular Bv
Kompasplein 20, bus 904, 9000 Gent
BE 0772907876

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