The Circular Energy Manager: Excellence in Renewable Energy Management

Circular energy manager

  • Integrated Platform: An hardware and software platform for comprehensive energy control and reporting.
  • Proven Expertise: Developed with over five years of experience from the complex energy system of DuCoop in Gent.
  • Optimization: Enhances both electricity and heat/cooling energy flows for maximum environmental and financial benefits.
  • Key Features: Offers robust tools for monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing your project’s energy usage.

Hardware Platform that Connects Almost Everything

Our versatile energy manager hardware can connect with nearly all assets that use modern communication protocols. This ensures you avoid vendor lock-in and have a system that can expand according to your needs, whether it’s adding control of a heat pump or charging stations.

Multi-Energy Control of Electricity, Heating, and Cooling

The Circular Energy Manager uniquely controls both electricity and other energy flows like heating and cooling. It also considers the interactions between different types of energy, such as those involving heat pumps. This future-proof system is ready to integrate additional assets from multiple energy sources.

Cyber Secure from the Start

We prioritize cybersecurity by collaborating with top-notch experts for network and IT design. Our stringent security standards ensure your installation is protected against cyber threats.

Calibrated to Your Use Case

Our models are tailored to your specific use case with AI powered energy demand and production forecasters for both electricity and heating. This ensures a customized solution that optimizes your installation for maximum efficiency and profitability.

What does the Energy Manager control?

Circular EMS Rule Engine: complexity made simple

Our rule engine can handle complex scenarios across different sites, multiple energy sources, renewable and non-renewable assets, and various energy markets, including day-ahead spot and imbalance markets. Developed from a complex use case, it offers robust performance for diverse applications, leveraging our extensive experience to avoid common pitfalls.

Maximizing Self-Consumption

By utilizing behind-the-meter flexibility, such as electric vehicle charging infrastructure or battery storage, the Circular Energy Manager ensures maximal consumption of locally produced renewable energy.

Peak Shaving

With the introduction of the capacity tariff in Flanders in 2023 (already implemented in several other European countries), avoiding potential demand peaks has become essential. By planning and modulating power demand or supply for district-level assets like EV chargers, large heat pumps, or battery storage, capacity tariff fees can be mitigated.

Cost-Optimal Grid Interaction

The Circular Energy Manager uses day-ahead grid electricity prices to determine the optimal times for using battery storage capacity or activating devices for cost-efficient operations. Integration with third-party imbalance service providers enhances grid interaction and broadens the potential for battery storage valorization.

Maximizing Use of Low-Cost, Sustainable Heat

Thanks to seamless interaction between electricity and heat domains, the Circular Energy Manager takes multiple environmental and financial conditions into account when controlling district heating networks, utilizing sources like industrial waste heat and large heat pumps.

Leveraging Heat Flexibility

By utilizing the inherent delay in district-level heating applications and combining this with heating demand forecasts, the Circular Energy Manager maximizes financial and sustainability gains through heat flexibility.

Visualization Platform for Optimal Control and Reporting

In addition to its control capabilities, the Circular Energy Manager includes a visualization platform that offers insights into its operational efficiency over time. Key features of this platform include:

  • Configuration of asset control
  • Visualization of real-time energy flows for electricity and heat
  • Historical overview of consumption and production for electricity and heat, categorized by source
  • Evaluation of environmental and financial impacts over user-defined timeframes
  • Data export functionality


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Circular Bv
Kompasplein 20, bus 904, 9000 Gent
BE 0772907876

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